New York
Art Wave Project

Contemporary Artists from Japan
Special Summer Exhibition at Ashok Jain Gallery in New York
Part 1: July 29th (Wed.) --August 9th (Sun.)
Opening Receiption July 30th (Thu.)

title: La luz blanda (The light soft ) year: 2015 medium: oil on canvas size: H41cm x 32cm

2011, mixed media,( soft toy , acrylic paint , embroidery ) My work represents the cosmos and the spiritual world. Please look, touch, hold it and image freely. I am happy that you feel peace of mind.

2012, Acrylic on canvas, 46xm x 39cm All thing are blessed lives, change, die ,and come to lives again. This is a mysterious and awe-inspiring law that governs the universe and the world. I have painted the joy of being alive in this wonderful law and the importance of lives of all living things . The theme of my painting is a paean of lives

2008, Aqua oil on board, H:30cm x W: 21cm Close-up style painting depicted still life around my house.

"existence with unnecessary", 2015 H90cm x W43cm clay, iron and plaster I am seeking for the expression of art work which is the fusion of Japanese traditional plaster (sikkui) and clay wall and iron.

"Message of BASHAR~Collect a piece of exciting" 2015 Acrylic, guache, pastel on canvas The synchronicity that it is all reality that I believe I was visualizers Arise. There in my idea is first ahead, reality appears or after. All I think is like a mirror. [In addition, this kind of thinking extraterrestrial intelligent life that American Daryl anchor is to be channeling, is also included in the BASHAR and movies matrix.]

2014, H:27cm x W:18cm x D:16cm Wood sculpture

2015, H69.5cm xW 50cm Oil pastel on paper "I don't like forcing the idea on others so much. It's because I think a work will be completed by an appreciator. People get a different impression from one one. That's proper. I'd like to draw the painting which reaches appreciator's heart. They see that and feel happily. I wish that I and an appreciator are able to sympathize based on the impression. Because that's the delight for me."

「Canis-Demensu to morning all」2013 46.85in × 49.2in, mixed media ‘BIOTRON’ is my keyword – a chamber with an artificial climate control in which environmental conditions can be controlled to test the effects on organisms. I depict new species of magical creatures generated in the chamber as well as those creatures plays. This style is to showcase not only traditional culture of human beings, but also the Earth itself on which all organisms play each role.

"Japanese Wild Flowers and Fruits" 2015 sumi ink, oil, silver leaf

2014, oil on canvas, 18"x16" Spirit of Waterfall, including mountain, Japanese nature tradition. And spirit my feeling water claiming. Doing my contemporary tradition.

2006, H40㎝ x W29cm mixed media(cray,fabric etc.) 人形を創ることは、自分と向き合い、人間の心と体を知ろうと努力することである。だからいつも人形と対話している。 単に人形が可愛いだけでなく、異形で怖そうに見える私の人形に流れているのは、 愛おしい人間愛であり、生命の賛美である

"WE ARE ALL ALIVE" 2015 H50cm x W39cm x D20cm Acrylic on canvas I drows to live beyond the sufferring and sorrow.

2015, 15" x 11" Acrylic on canvas

2015, 19cm x 26cm (7 1/2" x 10 1/8") sumi ink, pencil, paper on panel 人間の尊厳や人権、生きることや死ぬということを、老人施設や病院に勤務する中で身近に感じ、命の尊さや儚さを表現できたらと思い、試行錯誤してきました。ただ、言えるたしかなことは、絵を描いているとき、画面がわたしを受けとめてくれたり、導いてくれたりします。そして複雑で言葉にならない矛盾だらけの想いがつまっているということです。これからも、(おばあちゃんになるまで)絵を続けられたらと思っています。

”It is always same as" 2015, H:24.4cm x W: 33.3 cm Acrylic on canvas, panel " I draw the girl of identical twins. I express weirdness and the love only by the girl who is identical twins."

2015, H35" x W24", mixed media Since childhood I have loved to explore. Because of this, I have traveled, as an adult, to many countries around the world. My work is inspired by place and literature. My objective is to paint a utopian place not unlike Shangri-la. A place that is not found on any map and is only seen in the minds-eye. A place that will offer the viewer a momentary respite from the many ills of contemporary society. The use of silver pigment and silver leaf in this body of w

2010, oil on panel, 333mm×242mm

"Cherry Blossoms and boats at Night" 2015, digital prints as original techniques it's called "Shaga" original method by Yasuo Sano

"回想-reminiscence" 2013, Acrylic/collage 42cm x 33.5cm "it`s a reminiscence of my growing town with good old days."

2015, Watercolor on paper 2013 prized “ The Exhibition draw the nature of Japan” at the Museum of Uenonomori 2009 member nominated for the Water Color Society of Kyoto 2008 prized “ Dai ichi art exhibition” 2001 prized “ Kyoto Water color exhibition”

2014, 360mm x 360mm Acrylic, paper, sumi ink, gold leaf on canvas tiny abstract pieces get together on the one canvas.

2013, 530㎜×455㎜ oil on canvas In Japan, there is a custom of "otyuugen" that the gift to important people in the summer.The work was painted and decorated with motifs packed in a favorite thing box for meIt was produced by I want to send a nice person. Motif of the fabric band of Japan of antique kimono,Skeleton monkey, bird, raccoon, is the weasel.

”Position - Place by the sprout (艸の発生)", 2015、 33 X 23 inch(84 x 59㎝) Traditional Japanese water color, sumi ink mixed media on panel

"My climbing boots" 2015, acrylic on canvas, 50cm x 60.3cm "I have been painting for 50years. Recently, my theme is “Shoes". Two decades ago I was impressed with my son's shoes, why? even his leather brown shoes was torn , discolored. I found some kind of beauty in used things. Lately lots of people lost their lives due to disasters, Tunami, Earthquake,Taihoon,Tero, Railway accidents,,. I'd like explain their lost lives by painting lots of shoes.

2014. 36cm x 36cm, oil on canvas I drew this picture when I was down in the dumps.

2014, 22cmx27cm Acrylic on canvas The expression of Cosmos energy.

2015, W46 x H37cm Acrylic on canvas

2015, oil on canvas H45㎝×W88㎝×D3㎝