New York
Art Wave Project

Contemporary Artists from Japan
Special Summer Exhibition at Ashok Jain Gallery in New York
Part 2: August 12th (Wed.) --August 23rd (Sun.)

2014, 95cm x 95cm Nihonga ("Japanese-style paintings" ) 高知麻紙、水干絵具、岩絵具、アクリル

2015, paper, water color, oil on wood panel H x W 25cm round D2cm On a sunnyday, wark in the fields. On a rainyday, read a book at home. In a morning, soak in the bathtub. The natural light streams trough the window.Then I feel my condition today. This is how I want my life to be.

2015, wood clay, acrylic color H:20 cm x W:20cm x D12cm I use animals as art motif. and I think if they act like human being, daily life will become more interesting.

year: 2014 medium: watercolor on paper size: H25.2 cm x W26.8cm 和紙に摺った木版画でCDケースを自装。 裏と表とで2つの作品が楽しめる。 オリジナルソングを録音したCDも付く。

2015, Nihonga ( mixed media as rice paper, traditional Japanese watercolor, sumi ink, leafs, nikawa etc.) H40 cm x ×W40 cm 佐保姫は、日本古来より伝承される春を司る機織りの女神、龍田姫は、秋を司る裁縫の女神です。1000年前より、和歌(日本の定型詩、俳句の原型) にも多く詠まれ、春霞は佐保姫が織なし、紅葉は龍田姫が染めると例え、四季の移り変わりを尊ぶ習慣があります。和歌は当時、貴族を中心とする教養層が、自分の心の伝える手立てで作り始めたましたが、その心象風景は、具象では無くかなり抽象的なものと考えます。現代の私が表現したい佐保と龍田と、古来の伝承を重ね合わせた作品です。

title: cotton woman "pack in a box" year: 2015 medium: oil on canvas size: : H31.8cm x W41cm All theme of the work is "desire". My desire that want flying lightly. I want to fly or it is skipped. Falls down. At the very , I beautifully. I accepted the reality. I make a forced thing. Populations settle.

2015, acrylic on cotton, panel 51.5 cm × 36.3 cm I draw a woman named Mary as a symbol of woman. I put her in mountains, forest, desert, or ordinary daily life.

title: About an origin and a collapse–1 year: 2009 medium: Urushi wood、bronze size:H 40cmx W30cm ブロンズと木、無機物と有機物2つの素材の構成は力強く美しい。 これらの素材に触発され、生命の誕生から死、あるいは崩壊に至るドラマを表現しようと試みている。 作品の中に共存する重量感と儚さを、見て感じて頂ければとても嬉しい

'I love wanting to eat you" 2010, mixed media (fabric, bottans, babble wrapping sheet etc) H70cm x W75cm x D20cm The theme is“Tsugihagi” that is form to sew cloth with a thread. (As if I became Black Jack. Black Jack is a doctor who is a chief character coming out to comics of Osamu Tezuka.) It does not become at all as before, and becomes the distorted, unshapely form. However, it means that my works connect the disintegrating world with. I think that it is the human being revival.

Title: Freedom of Our Soul Size: H 53cm x 45,5cm Year: 2015 Medium: oil on canvas Theme: Human soul is limitless. We can travel wherever we want whenever we want. We can dream of what we want to dream of. We should let our soul free and have a great dream. So we can achieve it.

title: Dharma cat year: 2015 medium: ceramic size: 8×8×10cm ( with original watercolor painting box )

title: TAIYOU: Feeling of SUN year: 2015 medium: Acrylic on canvas size: H47.3㎝ x W42.5㎝ x D4㎝ The world of the vision associated from a natural phenomenon is called "O-WORLD", and I'm drawing while thinking of. I feel that a sense to value the feel of a material of the screen, and to build a dreamworld realistically is my characteristic.

year: 2014 medium: urushi (lacquer) size: D20cm x W20cm x H16cm、 乾漆裂破水指「銀重」かんしつれつはみずさし「ぎんちょう」 茶道の道具である水指。水指の中には水が溜められている。その溜めら れている水と相をなす流動的で重みのある様を漆のテクスチャーと、 銀を蒔きぼかしして蒔絵にて瞬間的に捉え表現している。乾漆は麻布と 和紙を張り重ねて出来ていてとても軽い。見た目の重厚感と持って触っ た時ノ軽さはギャッ プがり、水を溜めて初めて中身と外身がリンクする。

title: The triangle hat –Green year: 2015 medium: Black granite, brass size: H22cmx W22cm 角帽子の三角錐(黒御影石)は道標を頂頭部の灯りの部分(オニキス)は旅する人々の行く道を照らす役割を象徴しています。 旅は実際の旅行だけで無く、人々の人生の行程や道のりにも通じています。

2015 oil on canvas H:67cm x W:47.5 cm Heroine of destiny -Salome Media Medesa They have continued been imagined in the legend and live In the modern .I wood like to draw the sorrowful and sadness

2015,コラージュ技法/紙・石膏地 縦33.3×横33.3×幅2.0㎝、 I make a picture in local forest that the foot of Mt. Fuji. The fertile Koushu soil bring us a piece of delight and hapiness of alive. When I touch a sounds and sents and atmosphere, a memories of the distant past came back to my mind. I want to reflect on myself by the fragments of memories.

2015, oil on canvas size: H 45.5 x W 38 cm 現代に生きる若者の歴史

title: “Happiness (Spring)“ year: 2015 medium: mixed media size: W22.5cm x H23cm I wish everyone Be Happy!

2015. mixed media, H57 cm x W39 cm I would like to draw the sorrowful and sadness.

year:2015 medium: acrylic, paper on panel size: 31.8cm x 41cm I was looking up at the leaves of trees in the afternoon of a summer day. The evening sunlight passed through those leaves and enhanced outlines of the back of some leaves. I felt fascinated by that kind of contrast of sunshine and shadow, and expressed it in this picture by a method simple as possible.

“The imaginary path “ 2015, oil on panel H53 cm × W33 cm x D2cm My theme is based on childhood dreams, such as the desire to float through the skies, or to play make-believe. The children represented in my works are playing, overlapping fantasy on to reality in their imaginations.The audience can view the artwork freely. They can also enjoy learning to interpret the artwork itself—perhaps while reflecting on their first memories.

2015, mixed media H:75cm x W:50 cm I am sculptor and a painter and I attended the plastic Arts College in Japan. Where I studied buddha-sculpting for five years under the Japanese master. I expressed. when being alone . glimpse into silence. brilliance of the moment.

year: 2015 medium: mixed media (sumi. suihi/cotton cloth) on panel size: H53cm×W45.5cm 2010 Graduate from TOHOKU UNIVERSITY OF ART and DESIGN Shool of ART Fine Arts Oil painting 2012 Graduate from Own graduate school art culture major education of child art field 2013 Get the teacher qualification of Jodo Shinshu Otani sect in Kyoto Otani vocational institute Kyoto-based current Solo Exhibition 2010 Role expectation(Gallery Seika・Tokyo) 2015 Safe haven(Gallery2+

title: “FROREST “ year: 2014 medium: oil on canvas size: W45cm × H38 cm x D5cm Vital power at felt ask a person for the mystic of forest

2015, oil on canvas size: H 32 x W 40 cm my work theme is "LOVE".

title: Recollection size: H43.5cm x W 34cm medium: oil on canvas year: 2015

title: “when people`s heart is pure” 2015 medium: oil, acrylic on canvas size: H56cm x W49cm ギリシア発祥のオリンピックが2020年には東京で開催される。長い間なぜスポーツが注目され愛されてきたのかを考えたとき、ひとつの理由として体を限界にまで動かして勝利をつかもうとしたときに、すべての雑念を忘れて心が澄みきる一瞬を感じることができるからなのかもしれない。昔も今も不変的な人間の本 能的な快感を描く。